Connected Beginnings’ Training Institute (CBTI) has been awarded the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care’s (EEC), FY’11, CSEFEL grant to provide training and follow-up mentoring/coaching to up to 2000 early education and care teachers, mental health consultants, program supervisors and administrators across the state. Training will utilize the 15-hour, 6-session, CEU-bearing training curriculum, developed by CBTI, with funding from the Massachusetts Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (MECCS) project. In making this grant award, EEC has demonstrated its strong commitment to adopting the CSEFEL Pyramid Model in Massachusetts.
Although Connected Beginnings will coordinate the project, its success rests on many shoulders! Over the next several months, Connected Beginnings will contract with qualified MA CSEFELTrainers/Coaches on an hourly basis, to conduct the 15-hour, CSEFEL Pyramid Model Training and up to 6 hours of follow-up mentoring/coaching, in communities across the state.
Qualified CSEFEL Trainers/Coaches, who were part of MA Cohort 1, will be eligible to provide trainings and follow-up. CBTI will be in contact with Cohort 1 trainers this summer re: an orientation to the new curriculum and the process for matching trainers/coaches with participants. While the EEC grant allows for up to 6 hours of follow-up mentoring support for each training group, it does not cover the full scope of work required for CSEFEL Coaching to fidelity. Therefore, Cohort 1 trainers and coaches will both be eligible to provide follow-up to the 15-hour training, through a group mentoring process.
Plans are also underway for a second Train-the-Trainers/Coaches (Cohort 2) this August-September, 2010. Once qualified, these new CSEFEL Pyramid Model trainers and coaches will be able to work with front-line service providers from across the state in much the same way as Cohort 1 Trainers/Coaches.
Connected Beginnings is very pleased to be part of this systemic effort to build the social emotional foundations for children’s lifelong learning and success. We know this is what families and caregivers wish for their children. We also know it will take time and patience – but working together we are confident that the CSEFEL Pyramid Model will make a real difference in the lives of young children, their families and their caregivers.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.