Early Intervention or mental health provider IN-TIME course participants whose work includes at minimum, .75 FTE direct billable contact with clients, may qualify for Connected Beginnings scholarships. The amount of the scholarship will vary, depending upon the particular course. Scholarships range from between $200 and $700 per participant. In order to apply for a Connected Beginnings Scholarship, you must complete:
- The Connected Beginnings Scholarship Application
- The Applicant Agreement Form
These documents can be completed by filling out the electronic application or printing the application and mailing the completed application to: Cathy Abbott, Connected Beginnings Training Institute, Wheelock College, 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA 02215.
Connected Beginnings also requires a Letter of Reference from the applicant’s Program Director or other appropriate agency representative, endorsing participation in the training. This Letter of Reference must accompany each application packet. If submitting the application packet via the online form, you must mail or email this letter of reference to Cathy Abbott at Connected Beginnings Training Institute, Wheelock College, 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA 02215 or [email protected].
Please note that Scholarship funding will be awarded to the participants’ Program/Agency or, in the case of independent mental health providers, directly to the participant, as partial compensation for lost billable revenue and to support the course fee, The following rules apply:
- The participant who is applying for the scholarship must be a regular, Early Intervention or mental health billable staff member who conducts regularly scheduled, billable activities that normally take place during this training period.
- The participant who is applying for the scholarship will not be expected to make up the billable hours spent in this training.
- Administrative and supervisory staff members who spend more than 25 percent of their time on administrative duties do not qualify for Connected Beginnings scholarships.
- Connected Beginnings Training Institute will contact applicants directly regarding scholarship awards.
Completed application packets must be submitted not later than 30 days prior to the beginning of IN-TIME training for which applicant is registered.
Should you have questions about the scholarship application process, please email or call Cathy at [email protected] or 617-879-1425.